====== Design class ====== The design class helps with basic page structure such as outputting the html, head and body-tag, and include everything needed for Platform to work. To render a page, simply do this: Hello world'; Design::renderPageend(); If you want to include your own javascript and/or stylesheets it can be done in two ways: Design::queueCSSFile('include-file.css'); Design::queueJSFile('include-file.js'); Design::queueJSFile('include-file-2.js'); Design::renderPagestart('Hello world'); or Design::renderPagestart('Hello world', array('include-file.js', 'include-file-2.js'), 'include-file.css'); It is also possible to include javascript after page rendering started using the shortcut function Design::JSFile('include-file.js'); ===== Basic Platform styles ===== If you want to adjust the styles used by platform on its design elements, you can provide a style array, which is an array hashed by specific keywords, where the values are class-names to add to the given platform elements. The style array can be set by calling ''Design::setStyleArray()'' with a proper array. A list of elements which should be included are here: ^Keyword^Description^Default value^ |datarecord_editcomplex|The complex for editing datarecords retrieved by ''Datarecord::renderEditComplex()''|//platform_autocenter//| |formfield|All form fields|//w3-input//| |file_input_frame|The Iframe used for file fields| | |platform_table|All platform tables|//platform_autocenter//|