Design class

The design class helps with basic page structure such as outputting the html, head and body-tag, and include everything needed for Platform to work.

To render a page, simply do this:

Design::renderPagestart('Hello world');
echo '<h1>Hello world</h1>';

If you want to include your own javascript and/or stylesheets it can be done in two ways:

Design::renderPagestart('Hello world');


Design::renderPagestart('Hello world', array('include-file.js', 'include-file-2.js'), 'include-file.css');

It is also possible to include javascript after page rendering started using the shortcut function


Basic Platform styles

If you want to adjust the styles used by platform on its design elements, you can provide a style array, which is an array hashed by specific keywords, where the values are class-names to add to the given platform elements.

The style array can be set by calling Design::setStyleArray() with a proper array.

A list of elements which should be included are here:

KeywordDescriptionDefault value
datarecord_editcomplexThe complex for editing datarecords retrieved by Datarecord::renderEditComplex()platform_autocenter
formfieldAll form fieldsw3-input
file_input_frameThe Iframe used for file fields
platform_tableAll platform tablesplatform_autocenter