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Naming conventions

This is the internal naming convention for Platform.


Classes and Objects

Classes are named with CamelCase and in singular case, so we have User and not Users

Objects are named in lowercase and with _ between words, so:

$user_property = new UserProperty();


Functions are dromedaryCase such as deleteUsers() and are named according to the following scheme:

add…Add further information to an object, meaning that nothing is replaced but something is added.
attach…Attach something to the object.
build…Build something inside the object relying on information already present
calculate…Make some kind of calculation. Typically something that's complex or can take some amount of time.
can…Check if the object is able to do something or if the user is allowed to do something with the object
copy…Copy some information or the entire object.
check…Check if something external to the object but relevant for the object have occured.
decode…Decode some information from something else. The opposite of encode.
delete…Delete something. Typically the object
encode…Encode some information into something else. The opposite of decode.
ensure…Ensure that something is in place or have been performed, by doing it if it haven't already been done
find…Find some information. Typically used for fuzzy searching. Otherwise we use get.
get…Get some information either from inside the object or one or more objects in a static context.
is…Check if the object is in a given state.
job…A job typically called from the Job class.
load…Read data into the object.
on…Used for specific events that take place in the object.
register…Register some information to the object.
remove…Removes something from the object or the object from something.
replace…Replaces something with something else.
retrieve…Retrieve some information from somewhere else. The opposite of store.
parse…Input some data which is transformed to something else.
prepare…Prepare some data to later usage.
render…Renders something to the page.
reset…Resets something to a previous state.
save…Save data from the object.
set…Set information in the object.
store…Store some information somewhere else (ie not in the object). The opposite of retrieve.
validate…Ensures that something is correct.

Functions are places alphabetically in files, except for getAdditionalStructure in Datarecord classes which is allowed to be first.


Variables are initialized to the same name as the class they are representing. Variables in several words are split by underscore _


Tables are named after their corresponding classes, but in plural form, such as users

KeysKeys are named [object name]_id such as user_id
Foreign keysForeign references are named [foreign object name]_ref such as user_ref

In other cases the object name should never be part of the field names, so not user_first_name but only first_name

Field names are lowercase and words are split by underscore _

naming_conventions.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/29 12:56 by sahl

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